Wednesday 9 October 2013

In the beginning

Hello & welcome..

I'm going to be honest, I've had a really strong desire to start this blog for at least 3 years and I kept putting it off for one reason or the other. Nowadays, the urge is so strong I can't shrug it off.

I know deep down that God wants me to do this, so why am I contemplating...? Why haven't I started it? Why am I afraid?

I've had a passion for young women's ministry since forever.. Its always been my dream to encourage young women about singleness, dating/relationships and life in general. I genuinely believe that God wants to use my experiences to help someone so even though there are some things I'd rather not share lol... I'm going to let the Holy Spirit lead me as He desires.. to the glory of His name...

I really hope this blog is a blessing to you.

Abiye xoxo

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